Golden Globes 2013

I have not posted for a loooooooong time and for that I apologise. The usual ‘life’ excuses I’m afraid. So I thought I would start my first 2013 post with a red carpet review. The Golden Globes were held last Sunday and as always it was all about the dresses. Once again I was disappointed that there were so few truly stunning looks. Below are the limited hits and the multiple misses.

Emily Blunt in Michael Kors. I love this look and I confess I also love her. I’m not a massive lace fan but in this lovely yellow gold colour with the great pink jewellery highlights which are so unexpected, this is a great look and she pulls it off perfectly.


Debra Messing in Donna Karan is a huge miss. I was never much of a Will & Grace fan but I have enjoyed watching Debra in Smash, especially all the great jewellery her character wears, but this is just so unflattering. It’s as if she’s brought the stage curtain with her. It makes her look several dress sizes bigger and gives her no height or definition anywhere. And then all the bracelets make you wonder if she really is channelling flamenco.


Emily Mortimer in who knows, but they should be ashamed. I love West Wing and was so looking forward to the Newsroom when I heard that Aaron Sorkin was writing it, but Emily’s character MacKenzie makes me want to pull my hair out and her LK Bennett adverts aren’t much better. So I do come to this with a pretty weighted agenda but even so, it really is that bad. Very unflattering to her figure in both cut and fabric, it also seems poorly made and the make up makes her look totally washed out. I’m embarrassed she’s a Brit and she should change her stylist.


Halle Berry in Versace. It’s nice to see Halle going for classy at this year’s Globes…! I suppose after the beautiful winning-the-Oscar dress it was only downhill from there, but this is horrendous. This woman is nearly 50. And yes, she has a stunning figure and yes, she is beautiful but you do not need a slash to the thigh on one side and half your hip hanging out on the other. This is so tacky, wow….


Helen Mirren in Badgley Mischka. Please stand up and give a round of applause for Ms Mirren. How amazing does she look? Elegant, chic, sexy. The whole package.


Heidi Klum in Alexandre Vauthier. I really don’t like this. The heavily padded shoulder supposedly balances out the slit on the opposite leg but it just feels heavy and contrived and she can do so much better.


Jennifer Lopez in Zuhair Murad. I think she looks amazing in this outfit. She’s not giving great face in this photo but the dress fits her like a glove and I like the nude layer giving hints of skin without over-exposing, which is so much better than the short slips we keep seeing under sheer dresses (Kerry Washington, Julianna Margulies, take note). And you know, she’s Jennifer Lopez, she can pull this stuff off.


Kate Hudson in Alexander McQueen. This looks so perfect on her, with its sophisticated colour and simple, clean lines. The bold gold beading is stunning and adds a harder edge to the soft drape.   Her simple make up, hair and accessories make this a chic and effortless ‘Best Dressed’.


Marion Cotillard in Christian Dior Haute Couture. I want to cry into my pillow over this outfit. I normally really like what Marion wears; she has a different and refreshing taste but this not good at all. I really REALLY don’t like asymmetric hems at all and then the uber tacky orange heels are awful and I don’t think the slicked down hair and odd nudey orange lip gloss are doing her any favours either.


Morena Baccarin in Valentino. The moment I saw this I knew it had to be Valentino; who else does theatrical nun/funeral/mother of the bride this well? I think she is so pretty and I can’t believe she looked in the mirror and honestly thought this is the best she could look. I can’t believe and I won’t believe it. I’m putting it down to the shock of seeing Brody’s suicide video really throwing her off her game.


Nicole Kidman in Alexander McQueen. I haven’t been a fan of her choices lately but minus the glazed botoxed-into-oblivion face I think this is a great look. Making her even more statuesque than normal this is so flattering to her tall frame and even though black can be a bit hard on very pale skin, this really works for her.


Rachel Weisz in Louis Vuitton. I really dislike this dress a lot, A LOT. Again, I don’t understand these beautiful women picking dresses that are so unflattering. I think she is lovely but this is a teenager’s gothic prom dress not a British movie star’s dress. If you were going to an event with James Bond as your date I really hope you’d do better than this, though he did wear his shades for most of it, muppet.


Rosie Huntington Whatsit… in Yves Saint Laurent and yes, I am still using the full name because Saint Laurent just sounds so wrong. How can you possible re-brand YSL…but that argument’s for another day. As a model you would really hope that you knew the tricks of the trade, how to lengthen the silhouette etc. This makes her look short and her whole body out of proportion, not helped by the highwayman ruffles or the ankle strap. She should also know better than to risk the Angelina Jolie leg throw.  I also dislike the too basic hair.


Seinna Miller in Erdem. I love Erdem but wow, this is awful though I do have to thank Sienna Miller for continuing to wear clothes that help me confirm her as one of the worst dressed people out there. I’m sure someone would use this for a christening dress or a four year old’s birthday princess dress but for a grown woman with alleged style credentials, if you believe the magazines, this is spectacularly bad.


And finally Tina Fey in L’Wren Scott. I think Tina Fey looked amazing in the dresses she wore during the show but this one isn’t good. As I mentioned at the beginning of this post I don’t like lace and this a perfect example of how inexpensive it can look. Interestingly L’Wren Scott is 6′ 4″ and should know how to dress a woman to look long and lean, which this dress certainly does not. It makes her look shorter than necessary and then the heavy shoes double the effect. Mirrors, ladies, MIRRORS….


Source: Zimbio

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